Overwintering Robins, golfing in February, An ice-less Mille Lacs:  These mid-winter anomalies are resonating with weird trends I am seeing in the landscape industry this winter.  This is my 10th year as president and owner of Beds & Borders Landscape Design and I can’t recall every booking so far into the next season.  Typically I am doing a couple of mid-winter designs that are carry-overs from the fall, but with all the warm days and snow-less yards my phone has been ringing off the hook since Jan 1.  I’d like to chalk it up as reputation, but the reality of this comes from within the souls of the vitamin d3 deprived Minnesota population wanting to get back to a green yard as soon as possible.   My business partner Mike and I have decided that we are going to go back to a pre-economic slow-down work force to keep up with the springtime rush. These extra hands along with new additions to our fleet should keep thing moving along nicely.  These additions are exciting and I look forward to pulling together some very nice landscape designs this year as we hope to start earlier than normal.  Coming soon to a blog near you:  New product and plants this year.