Global warming is changing the way that we think of agriculture and the way that we handle planting tasks for agricultural projects. With global warming changing the climates of the world, different types of products are now easier to plant in more northern climates. If you live in a northern state for example like Minneapolis, you may have started to notice that there are some changes with respect to the types of local crops included, when harvest times generally occur and more.

Climate change is dramatically messing with a way that agricultural experts have to go about their business. The change in our nation’s growing seasons is in some cases creating larger plants and challenges when it comes to droughts or flooding. Perhaps one of the most impactful changes is the difference between climate planting zones between the last three decades. Climatologists and agricultural experts are now predicting that native flowers and crops such as California poppies could eventually grow in areas like Seattle if planting zones continue to change with global warming.

While there are many negatives that come associated with this change in planting zones, such as an increase of invasive plants and species in new climate areas as well as extra pests, pollen and more, there are some positives as well. With changes in growth zones it becomes much more sustainable to grow plenty of vegetation throughout the northern states and across parts of the United States where agriculture was typically more difficult. Crops are also growing in much higher yields because the areas that experienced relatively low sunlight are now able to get ample fuel for their crops today. In areas where growth was once impossible, farmers are now able to see dramatically increased growth yields and in the short term this is great but there will be many more negative side effects than positive with changing planting zones.