The Opposite of What We Thought….
Covid-19 came on out of nowhere and it brought with it amazing opportunities in the Landscape Industry. At first, we all thought the year was shot. In fact, many were so scared they thought landscaping might collapse in general due to the lack of people spending money. Two weeks into the declaration of the pandemic we know this wasn’t going to be the case. With everybody staying home it left every household thinking about what they could do to their yard. Newly formed ideas starting precipitating amongst our population about where to spend the money they no longer needed for that trip, or the money from the canceled sports season, or the cash set aside for the new car.
Minnesotans love their out-of-doors. When we were told not to leave the house it hurt. The forced exploration of priorities led many people down several roads. Let me explore these roads and tell you firsthand what I witnessed. To start – I probably have met 500 households this year – so far. After tabulating my thoughts I learned this is what was needed by many families to stay sane in the new Covid-19 summer.
Covid-19 Rescue Ideas for your yard
Make a kid’s play area to get them out of the house: Some people built a sport court, others a pool, some even anted up for a patio to house the ping pong table. Swingsets exchanged hands all over neighborhoods so leveling out spaces were in high demand.
Make a garden so I can grow my own food: Veggie Garden are huge and fall bounties will be awesome this year given our ideal weather. Fruit trees will provide sustenance in a couple of years. Cherries were a favorite.
I need flowers to cheer me up: This is a given in landscaping, but I could see that people were really involved in the flower choices this year. More time on their hands!
Build me a patio so I can do my work outside: Patios outside to do work, to eat, to drink coffee, to mingle…..they are still in super high demand.
Build me a pool so we don’t have to travel to the lake: This wasn’t a huge request, but it did periodically come up. I’ve heard the pool contractors are booking into Summer 2021. If you need a pool designed now would be the best time to call us.
I need a shed. Can you build me a level pad? The best sheds are found here. Buy one and they will place it right on the pad we build.
More ideas….
Fire anyone? It isn’t a secret that firepits have because crazy popular. That demand did not wane this year. I’d say more than half of the patio requests also included a firepit request.
Landscape Lighting was also huge this summer. Lighting extends the day, gives security from the weirdos roaming around right now, and allows you to see your landscape investment all day and night.
There were many other things requested, but these are some of the most popular choices. Give Beds & Borders Landscape Design a holler if you would like for us to design your outdoor oasis. Ultimately, in the end, the redesign of your yard may be just what the doctor ordered.