Permeable Pavers “Rain!”
New vs. Old:
Permeable pavers are the future. They look like traditional pavers, but their function is highly different. Traditional pavers shed water. This water runs into the sewers and can be problematic for local watersheds. Permeable pavers, on the other hand, allow water to penetrate straight down. This stops runoff ultimately keeping water on site recharging the groundwater as it should be.
Permeable Paver Cross Section
Why Permeables?
Ethics: Many inhabitants of Earth have a philosophy that this is our home. Our only home. In this, they strive to do what they can to counteract a lot of the negatives humans have created since the industrial revolution. Choosing a landscape stone that has proven to be an instrumental change is now at the forefront of a large movement.
ISA 60%: In Minneapolis, it is stated that no particular property owner shall create more the 60% Impermeable Surface Area on their lot. If your house, driveway, and existing concrete areas are maxing you out then set your sights on permeable pavers. They will not count against your ISA. City code differs from town to town so this can vary a bit so check your local ordinances. Additionally, bringing a landscape plan into the city planner’s desk is the best way to cut through a lot of red tape.
Situational: All traditional patios should have a 1/8″ pitch per foot. This subtle slope will move water off the patio but will not leave you leaning while sitting in a chair. What happens when you can’t slope a patio due to constraints within the project parameters? You build a flat patio out of permeable. Since water doesn’t need to shed this opens up a variety of patio options that, in the past, had been very hard to construct.
Taking a look at a couple options:
RINN Hydropor: Rinn is pretty. Rinn is an investment. Used in situations from pool decks to patios it is the clear choice for excellence.
Rinn Hydropor
Belgard Holland Permeable: Holland stone is your classic 4″ x 8″ brick seen all over the world. Belgard modified them slightly to allow for water flow into the ground. This will always remain a top choice for looks and affordability.