Learn how to water your new plants with the proper way. Hand watering is a tricky bugger in Minnesota. Summers can be hot, cold, wet and dry…..all in the matter on weeks. Throw in an overactive irrigation system, then knowing how to water your plants can be a daunting task. Please read on to know what I tell my clients. It should help!
- Hand water shrubs and perennials 2x daily for the first two weeks.
- Hand water shrubs and perennials 1x daily for the following two weeks.
- Hand water shrubs and perennials every other day until established.
- Trees are to be watered every day for 2 weeks, then every other day for 2 weeks and then 2 deep (30-minute slow trickle) waterings per week until established.
- Water all plants 2-3x per week for one month even with an irrigation system.
- Water one last time before a heavy freeze going into winter.
- Back off on watering during rainy weather.
- Supplement the watering schedule during times of drought or high heat.
- A simple soil test can be performed with your index finger. By moving the mulch back and poking your finger in 3 inches this can give a decent account of dry or wet. This does not work for larger shrubs and trees.