Water Features Within a Landscape Water features are assets to have within a landscape. They serve different purposes that are needed for the plants, insects and wildlife to thrive in and around a space. Ponds, rain gardens and catchment systems contribute to...
Landscaping has historically been about marrying form and function, the beautiful and the practical. In recent decades, however, a third dimension has been added to the fray: concern for the environment at large. Permeable pavement is an example of all three:...
Dragonfly Habitat The first and last word in attracting dragonflies to the garden is water, and lots of it. Dragonflies lay their eggs either near or in water, which hatch into nymphs that spend the first few months of their life cycle as aquatic organisms. Insect...
There are many gadgets available today that make life much much easier and more enjoyable than just 10 year ago. See my list of helpful weather toys below. . This machine allows we to be my own meteorologist. It sends data to my computer and phone. I can see what...