Over the past 10 years of landscaping I have kept a daily journal as to where we worked and what the weather was like each day. My records show that in 2006 we had a couple mid-March snowstorms. About a week after that demoralizing double snow event there was a rain storm in late March that melted all the snow as well as rid the ground of frost. Although it was chilly up through early April we were able to start mulching the first week of April so the timing to start work compared to other years was on par. This year I think we will be a little later than years past since the frost went down so far this year. The light at the end of the tunnel — We were in the 80’s by mid-April in 06! Can you wait 3 weeks?

Attached is a photo from one of the above mentioned late season storms when I lived in St. Louis Park.

Andy Freeland